Do You Need to Be Certified to Be a Coach?


Do You Need to Be Certified to Be a Coach? Here’s the Truth!

Here’s a question I hear all the time: “Do I need to be certified to be a life coach?”

Well, yes and no.  Let me explain….

Understanding Why Certification in Coaching Matters

Over ten years ago I took the leap and decided to become a life coach.  One of the first things I had to figure out was whether or not I wanted to become certified and if so, which certification to choose.

If you’re here, you’ve probably done a little bit of research and you know that there are a LOT of options when it comes to becoming a coach.  There are programs that span a year to programs that only take a weekend.  Some focus on a particular tool, and others have a more holistic approach to coaching.

Here’s the truth: I don’t think you absolutely have to be certified to become a coach. There are some amazing coaches out there who’ve never officially trained or gotten certified. So much of coaching is innate and intuitive.

In fact, I deeply believe that those of us who are called to become a coach are already coaching whether we know it or not.  We are the person that people turn to when they are going through a challenging time.  Whether it’s our friends, family, or a random stranger there is something about us that makes folks feel safe, seen and heard. 

However, while so much of coaching is intrinsic,  I do believe that if we want to be of service to as many folks as possible and reduce harm in our coaching spaces, we need a little bit of guidance. 

Most people who desire to become a coach want to work with diverse communities.  They want to make an impact and work with people of varying backgrounds, needs, and lived experiences. They recognize that humans are complex. They carry with them the legacies of trauma, systemic oppression, and so much more.

This is where certification comes in. 

Certification provides you with the tools needed to be as impactful as possible in your coaching spaces.  It allows you to deepen your natural abilities and facilitate healing instead of harm. It ensures that coaches have undergone thorough training and have the skills needed to effectively support their clients.  

What Certification (hopefully) Offers:

  1. Ethical Standards and Practices: Certification programs emphasize ethical coaching practices. Coaches learn how to handle sensitive situations, maintain client confidentiality, and create a safe and supportive environment for their clients. These ethical standards are crucial for building a trustworthy coaching relationship.

  2. Enhanced Skill Set: Certified coaches get comprehensive training covering a wide range of coaching techniques and methods. This allows them to offer more effective and personalized coaching sessions. For example, a certified coach might use cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness practices, or somatic approaches, depending on the client's needs.

  3. Credibility and Integrity: Certified coaches are often seen as more credible. Certification programs require coaches to follow a code of ethics and prove their coaching skills. According to the Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE), certification shows a coach’s dedication to their profession and clients

  4. Client Assurance: For potential clients, a certification can be a sign that the coach has been vetted and meets certain standards of practice. This can be crucial in building initial trust and rapport with the client.

Red Flags to Watch Out For in Coaching Certifications

When I was looking to become certified close to a decade ago the options were overwhelming.  Today, there are even more programs to choose from (phew!).  Honestly, this can be one of the most overwhelming parts of becoming a coach—choosing the right certification for you.

Here are some things to consider when choosing:

  • Does the certification have diversity within their team at all levels?

  • Does the certification offer a holistic approach to coaching?

  • Does the certification offer training in inclusive practices?

  • Does the certification emphasize practice coaching and offer mentorship from more experienced coaches?

  • Does the certification teach some basics about owning a business?

Why these are important considerations:

Does the certification have diversity within their team at all levels?
While the coaching industry is far more diverse than it was in the past, we have a long way to go when it comes to representation and inclusion.  Oftentimes many programs will have a diverse student base but when it comes to the actual organizational structure of the program there is a total lack of diversity.  This lack of diversity effects all aspects of the learning experience from the programming to educational material.  If you want to ensure that you are being exposed to a broad curriculum that gives you the tools to work with all communities, make sure you check out the certification team (this includes training staff to the CEO).

Does the certification offer a holistic approach to coaching?
For so long coaching was focused on shifting people’s mindsets.  While mindset work is an incredibly powerful tool, we must remember that healing is not just from the “neck up.”  As coaches, we should have a tool box that allows us to take into account mind, body and spirit.  Many certification programs focus solely on teaching their student coaches one tool.  But, coaching is not a one size fits all modality.  Each individual we coach is like a mosaic made of an array of parts.  When we honor, respect and acknowledge a client’s past, lived experiences, and the intersections of their identity, we allow for deeper transformation to occur.  

Does the certification offer training in inclusive practices?
Speaking of identity, finding a certification that offers some training in inclusive practices is key.  This includes but is not limited to DEI, gender-affirming space-holding and trauma-informed practices.  Of course, we can’t learn everything, but we should be exposed to foundational learnings in these practices. When we work with clients, we need to make space and acknowledge systemic oppression, cultural differences, trauma, gender identity, neurodivergence, ableism and so much more.  We need to understand which identities our clients prioritize and identify with.  By doing so, we can create a safe(r) space that facilitates real transformation instead of unintentionally causing harm.  

Does the certification emphasize practice coaching and offer mentorship from more experienced coaches?
It’s one thing to learn about coaching concepts and another to actually practice them with real clients.   The certification you choose should have some form of mentorship and practice coaching for their student coaches.  Mentorship ensures that you are practicing ethically and skillfully with the assistance of a more experienced coach.  Practice coaching allows you to practice your skills in real-time and in real situations.  An analogy I love to use is that of learning how to drive.  It’s one thing to take your driving test on a computer and a whole other to get on the road.  Mentorship and practice coaching ensure that once you’re on the road you will feel confident.

Does the certification teach some basics about owning a business?
This is going to sound silly but one of the things that caught me the most off guard when I graduated from my coaching certification was that I was now a business owner.  I mean duh, right? But this totally came to me as a surprise.  I thought I would spend most of my days as a coach connecting with clients, making an impact, and changing lives! And then I realized that in order to connect with clients, make an impact, and change lives, I would need to figure out how to run a business. I would need to understand things like marketing, bookkeeping, contracts and so much more.  The truth is that you can be the greatest coach ever but if you don’t know the basics of setting up and running a business, it’s hard to build a thriving practice.  

When it comes down to it, the certification you choose should allow you to feel confident as a coach. Confident to work with diverse communities. Confident to work with folks who have different needs. Confident to create a space of transformation and healing.  This is what we aim to do at The Wholehearted Coaching Certification.

What Makes The Wholehearted Coaching Certification Unique

Our mission at The Wholehearted Coaching Certification is to help you become the impactful coach you want to be. We’re dedicated to providing a holistic and inclusive certification program that prepares you to make a real difference in your clients' lives.

Here’s what makes our program so unique:

  • A holistic curriculum: This includes foundational learning in somatics, mindfulness, trauma-informed care, gender-affirming space holding, diversity and inclusion, and much more.

  • An emphasis on practice coaching and guided mentorship: You will walk away from this program confident about your coaching skills.

  • An equal focus on not only how to coach but also how to start a value-aligned business: We ensure you are well-equipped to build your coaching practice from the ground up.

  • A diverse team of coaches and changemakers: They will not only teach you powerful coaching tools but also how to work with a wide range of clients of varied backgrounds and needs.

  • A transformational curriculum: It not only shows you how to guide others on their growth journey but supports you on yours as well.

Our mission at The Wholehearted Coaching Certification is to change the landscape of the coaching industry by fostering a new generation of diverse coaches who practice with ethics, skill and care.  We aim to make coaching a more diverse and inclusive space by training coaches who practice through a healing-centered lens that aims to create liberation for both the coach and the communities they work with. 

Unsure if being a life coach is the path for you?

  • Free Coaching Workshop: If you want to learn more about coaching and what a coach actually does, make sure to check out our free coaching workshop where we discuss all the ins and outs of being a coach.   

  • What’s possible as a coach: If you want to find out what’s possible as a certified Wholehearted Coach, check out what our coaches have to say about the Wholehearted Coaching Certification.  

Ready to become a life coach?

The Wholehearted Coaching Certification is a holistic life coaching certification that teaches you foundational coaching skills from a decolonized perspective. Our mission is to make coaching a more diverse, safe, and inclusive space by fostering a new generation of coaches who prioritize healing, transformation, and liberation for all


Building a Sustainable Business as a Life Coach